LCSH revisions due to RDA Phase 2 revisions

The RDA Phase 2 changes to the name authority file were completed on March 27, 2013, so the Library of Congress’ Policy and Standards Division will now begin to update LCSH authority records.  PSD expects to complete the project by the end of April 2013.

Personal, corporate, and conference names, as well as titles and geographic headings (MARC 21 fields 100, 110, 111, 130, and 151), that are established in the name authority file and are also printed in LCSH are eligible for revision.  Phrase headings and subdivisions that are based on names or titles (e.g., Food in the Koran; Future life—Koranic teaching) will also be revised as necessary.

This is a large project that must be undertaken in a systematic manner in order to find all of the affected records.  LC catalogers and SACO participants are therefore requested to refrain from making proposals to update headings until after PSD announces the completion of the project.  

At this time, PSD is not planning a wholesale revision to those LC subject headings that include abbreviations that are not permitted in RDA, which chiefly appear in a subfield $y (e.g., Egypt—History—Early Dynastic Period, ca. 3100-ca. 2686 B.C.). 

(Source: PSD, LC)

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