RDA Resources

RDA Resources
RDA BLOG ➨ Featured Categories                  
RDA Chapters : 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 36 - 37 - Appendices - Index
MARC : 008 - 02X - 04X - 100 - 110 - 111 - 130 - 151 - 1XX - 240 - 245 - 246 - 250 - 260 - 264 - 300 - 33X - 34X - 36X - 37X - 38X - 3XX - 4XX - 5XX - 65X - 67X - 7XX
RDA in Libraries, Associations, Etc.
Library of Congress

Resource Description and Access (RDA) Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA - What is FRBR? - RDA in NACO Training for AACR2 Catalogers - Using the RDA Toolkit - BIBFRAME - Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM)>see RDA Blog Cataloger’s Reference Directory - Conser Standard Record (CSR) - Training materials for CONSER RDA Bridge Training (Presentation Slides: Introduction / Getting Started / Identifying Manifestations / Identifying Works and Expressions / Related Works, Expressions and Manifestations / Working With Copy and When to Create a New Record )

RDA in National Library of Australia - Australian Committee on Cataloging

Documents and Presentations

About RDA - RDA and OCLC - OCLC RDA Policy Statement - Bibliographic Formats and Standards (Introduction - Online cataloging - Special cataloging guidelines - When to input a new record - Quality assurance - Fixed-field elements and 006 - 0xx fields - 1xx fields - 2xx fields - 3xx fields - 4xx fields - 5xx fields - 6xx fields - 7xx fields - 8xx fields - 9xx fields)
RDA in Pennsylvania State University Libraries

RDA in Bodleian Libraries University of Oxford

Library and Archives Canada

Stanford University

Online Monographs--Cataloging (RDA)-Description by MARC 21 field by field and examples - Videos Cataloging (RDA)-Description by MARC 21 field by field and examples

RDA Tools, Softwares, Services, Etc.

Linked Data BIBFRAME and RDA
BIBFRAME and Linked Data - A Primer: Overview (This guide is for you if you seek basic and digestible information on BIBFRAME and linked data and how it will impact the library cataloging world.)

Other RDA Resources
Home page of Adam Schiff (Presentations & PDFs)
RDA Blog Cataloger’s Reference Directory (includes various important sources useful in RDA Cataloging, e.g. links to MARC21 Standards)
RDA Bibliography (Articles, Books, Presentations, Thesis, and Videos on Resource Description and Access (RDA))

RDA Online Communities, Groups, Forums, Listserv

[Last Updated 2016-10-02]

RDA Resources Page is best viewed in Google Chrome web browser

  • If you wish to refer a link to this blog, please cite as below:
RDA Blog - a blog by Salman Haider


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)

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