RDA Cataloging News and RDA Bibliography



RDA Cataloging News and RDA Bibliography is a compilation of News, Events, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Training, Articles, Books, Presentations, Videos, Workshops, Training, Web Articles, Blog Posts, Reviews Etc. on Resource Description and Access (RDA), Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2), MARC21, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD), Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD), Subject Cataloging, Descriptive Cataloging, BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework), Linked Data, Etc.

RDA Cataloging News is an initiative by Resource Description & Access (RDA) or RDA Blog. It combines the entries of RDA Bibliography and also items on Subject Cataloging. Please suggest entries be included in RDA Cataloging News (preferably through RDA Cataloging - Google+ Community on Resource Description and Access (RDA) or by any other means of your wish).

This issue of RDA Cataloging News covers the period October 4, 2015, to March 2017.


  • News
  • Events / Workshops / Seminars / Conferences / Training / Etc.
  • Web Articles / Blog Posts
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Presentations
  • Thesis
  • Videos

  • Suggest items be included here
  • RDA Toolkit website has got a new elegant design -- At the top, there are 7 main links/menus, viz., HOME, SUBSCRIBE, NEWS & INFORMATION, TRAINING RESOURCES, RDA IN TRANSLATION, SHOP RDA, and MORE RESOURCES. The HOME refers to the RDA Toolkit home page. SUBSCRIBE menu has submenus: Pricing, New Subscriber, Renew, Authorized Distributors, Consortia, and Purchase Offline. NEWS & INFORMATION follows which is like a blog with new updates on RDA. As an interesting feature news updates also flash at the top of the website. TRAINING RESOURCES menu has submenus of RDA Examples and User Guides. RDA IN TRANSLATION lists Translation Policy and details of translations in other languages. SHOP RDA section provides options to acquire RDA in Print, RDA Essentials, and other RDA Related Resources. MORE RESOURCES provides details of AACR2 in RDA Toolkit. [See the new RDA Toolkit]
RDA Toolkit
[RDA Toolkit New Design - Click to Enlarge]
  • Implementation of the LRM in RDA -- The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) agreed at its November 2016 meeting to adopt the draft IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) as a conceptual model for the development of RDA: Resource Description and Access, replacing the Functional Requirements family of models (FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD) that are superseded by the LRM. Although the LRM is not yet approved and published by IFLA, the RSC wishes to be proactive at this stage because the final draft submitted for approval is not expected to undergo significant changes. The RSC will continue to monitor the LRM through its protocol with the FRBR Review Group. The RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project will aim for compatibility between the current RDA entities and elements and the LRM, and will use the LRM to guide the development of RDA Toolkit for international, cultural heritage, and linked data communities. The consolidation of gaps and inconsistencies in the preceding conceptual models gives the opportunity for the long-awaited evolution of the treatment of agents, aggregates, and other under-developed areas of RDA. The first significant impacts of the LRM will appear in the April 2018 release of RDA Toolkit. This announcement gives an initial indication of what those impacts will be. Except where specifically noted, the RSC does not expect current interpretation and application of RDA to be changed. Instead, additional methods for creating and maintaining coherent RDA data will become available. Three completely new entities will be added to RDA: Collective Agent, Nomen, and Time-span. Two other entities that are already implicit in RDA, Agent and Place, will be added and consolidated ... ... ... Read full article: http://rda-rsc.org/ImplementationLRMinRDA
  • RDA Toolkit Update, February 14, 2017 -- A new release of the RDA Toolkit is published on Tuesday, February 14. This release contains a small number of Fast Track changes made through the normal Fast Track process; the document outlining the changes may be found at http://www.rda-rsc.org/sites/all/files/RSC-Sec-6.pdf  Variant title  for work: The scope statements at,,,,, and the corresponding instructions for recording variant titles for works have been modified to remove limitations on when titles appearing on manifestations can be used as variant titles. Catalogers may now apply their judgment for recording variant titles when they consider it important for identification or access. Variant names for persons, families, corporate bodies and places: Similarly, the scope statements and instructions for these variant names have been modified to more clearly reflect that catalogers may records variant names when they consider it important for identification or access. Tables in (Media type) and (Content type):  The tables in these instructions have been replaced by a list of terms, for consistency with all other RDA vocabularies and to allow for synchronization between the RDA text in the Toolkit and the RDA Registry.  There is no change to the terms used, or the definitions for the terms, which are available in the glossary. A summary of LC-PCC PS updates incorporated in this release is attached (LCPCCPS_changes_2017_February.pdf; and is also available at  http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/lcps_access.html).
  • RDA’s New Governance Structure: Changes promise to raise RDA's global profile.
  • RDA Toolkit Release, April 12, 2016
  • Full Record Examples of RDA Cataloging Revised
  • RSC - RDA Steering Committee Annual Report -2015
  • JSC now RSC : RDA Governance Review Takes First Step in Implementation [Friday 6th November 2015]

Events / Workshops / Seminars / Conferences / Training / Etc.

Web Articles / Blog Posts

RDA Bibliography






  • Suggest items be included here

The format of the bibliographic description here is similar to the description on Bibliography Page of RDA Bibliography: Title. Author/Editor/Compiler. Year. Publisher/Journal. Pages/Volume/Issue/Slides/Minutes. Place.

This is a compilation from Google Alerts and other sources and searches. Check complete compilation so far in the Bibliography Page of RDA Bibliography containing Articles, Books, Presentations, Thesis, and Videos on Resource Description and Access (RDA) in a spreadsheet view as shown below:

RDA Bibliography

[RDA Bibliography is a partner blog of RDA Blog]



  • Revised 2017-03-04 [Added new items for RDA Cataloging News and RDA Bibliography for the year 2017] 
  • Revised 2016-05-28 
  • Written 2016-05-20 


  • Help us improve this article! Contact us with your feedback.
  • Muhammad Muawwad, System Librarian, Egypt [May 30, 2016] -- I appreciate your efforts for RDA diffusion. 
  • Harinarayana N.S., Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, India [May 30, 2016, e-mail] -- Thanks Salman Haider. It is quite useful. 

Thanks all for your love, suggestions, testimonials, likes, +1, tweets and shares ...



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