Revised LC-PCC Policy for Fuller form of name (, option)

From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging [mailto:PCCLIST@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV] On Behalf Of Reser, Dave
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:23 PM

Subject: [PCCLIST] Revised LC-PCC Policy for Fuller form of name (, option)

Dear PCC members--

The policy related to the optional use of the RDA element "Fuller form of name" in authorized access points for persons (RDA, option) has been the subject of debate by more than one PCC Task Group, the PCC Policy Committee, and listservs such as PCCLIST.  LC and PCC have agreed to a new shared policy for this instruction (a change from the previous LC policy).  Because of the high level of interest in this topic, and the postponement of the February release of the RDA Toolkit where it would have been published ( ), we have taken the exceptional step of mounting the revised policy so that it may be applied immediately by catalogers.  Until it is published in the Toolkit, the policy will reside in the Section "Preliminary Publication of LC-PCC PS" at (the revised policy is also included below).

Training documentation will be updated to reflect the change in policy.
Thanks, Becky Culbertson (PCC SCS chair) and Dave Reser (LC PSD)

LC‐PCC PS for, Option (Fuller form of name) 

New Authority Records

LC practice/PCC practice for Optional addition: Apply the option to provide a fuller form of name if a part of the forename or surname used in the preferred name is represented by an initial or an abbreviation, if the cataloger considers it important for identification. Add unused forenames or surnames only if needed to distinguish one access point from another (see RDA 

Existing Authority Records

LC practice/PCC practice for Optional addition: Unless otherwise changing an existing heading (e.g., conflict), do not change an existing AACR2 or RDA heading merely to add or remove a fuller form of name.



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