LC-PCC PS for 1.7.1 General Guidelines on Transcription

LC-PCC PS for 1.7.1 General Guidelines on Transcription>>Access Points for Corporate Names, Including Meetings, in Name Authority and Bibliographic Records (LC practice/PCC practice):

1. Quotation marks. If the form of name in the access point includes quotation marks around an element or elements of the name, retain them. Use double quotation marks in the access point instead of other forms of quotation marks.

2. Initials. If the form of name in the access point consists of or contains initials, regularize the spacing and put one space after an initial that is followed by a word or other element that is not an initial and no space after an initial that is followed by another initial consisting of one letter.

F&H Denby
authorized access point
110 2#$a F & H Denby

U. S. D. A. Symposium …
authorized access point
111 2#$a U.S.D.A. Symposium ...

I E E E ...
authorized access point
110 2#$a IEEE ...
3. Abbreviations. Precede or follow abbreviations consisting of two or more letters with a space, e.g., "Gauley Bridge (W. Va.)," "Ph. D. Associates."

4. Place name at end. If the form of name in the access point includes a place name at the end and the place is enclosed within parentheses or is preceded by a comma-space, retain in the access point the punctuation as found.

110 2#$a California State University, Northridge

5. Subfield $i (Relationship information) in authority records. When subfield $i for relationship designator is used in a 5XX field, begin the field with subfield $w r. Give subfield $i as the second subfield; the first word in the relationship designator is capitalized, and the subfield ends with a colon.

100 1#$a Garr, Arnold K.
510 2#$w r $i Employer:$a Brigham Young University

[Source:  RDA Toolkit]

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