
RDA Rule 1.7.9 is for "Inaccuracies". It instructs that When instructed to transcribe an element as it appears on the source, transcribe an inaccuracy or a misspelled word unless the instructions for a specific element indicate otherwise.

There are some exceptions to this rule, for example rule of RDA.

It also instructs to make a note correcting the inaccuracy if considered important for identification or access (based on 2.17).

Also if the inaccuracy appears in a title and a corrected form of the title is considered important for identification or access, this RDA rule prescribes to record a corrected form of the title as a variant title.

[Source: Based on instructions from RDA Toolkit]


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Resource Description & Access (RDA)

Question: In a book the name of the author is "inaccurately" printed on title page, and correct name is given on pages inside the book. How to transcribe it?

Answer: Based on guidelines mentioned above transcribe "as it is" found on the title page in the subfield "c" of MARC tag 245. Then make a "Note" of it in MARC21 500 tag.

From above description we get "... ... make a note correcting the inaccuracy if considered important for identification or access (based on 2.17)".

[2.17.3--Note on Statement of Responsibility>> Forms of Names-->Make notes on variant forms of names if: the names of persons, families, or corporate bodies appear in the resource in forms that are different from those recorded in the statement of responsibility and the different forms are considered important for identification.]

See lccn: 2014348021 in Library of Congress Catalog in MARC21 view. Also check the established Name Authority Record for the name printed inaccurately on title page.

Please provide your comments on this interpretations of RDA Rules

[RDA Blog post revised with Question & Answer on 2015-07-28]


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