Collaborations and Compilation: LC-PCC Best Practices Guidelines
“When multiple entities are responsible for a resource,
there is no difference between collaborations and compilations. In both cases, the authorized access point
(i.e., 1XX) is the first person, family, or corporate body named in the
Wrong! There is an important
difference. In the case of a compilation
by different entities (i.e., you can tell who wrote what), the
authorized access point is the preferred title of the compilation, which often
is the title of the manifestation. In
the case of a collaboration, (i.e., you cannot tell who wrote
what), the authorized access point is the entity with principal responsibility
(or the first-named, if no one entity is principally responsible), regardless
of the number of creators. (There are
exceptions to this, for moving image resources, some musical collaborations,
treaties, and resources with both corporate bodies and persons as the
responsible entities.)
[Source : Library of Congress]
According to RDA Rule for Compilations of Works by different Persons, Families, or Corporate bodies: If the work is a compilation of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies, construct the authorized access point representing the work by using the preferred title for the compilation.[Source : RDA Toolikt]
Example: [check in OCLC Connexion or import in local ILS].
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