Compilations of Independent Works : LC-PCC Best Practices Guidelines

“In the case of compilations of independent works, I must always record an analytical authorized access point for the predominant or first work, according to LC-PCC PS 25.1.”


Not necessarily.  Related Work is “LC core” for compilations, but there are exceptions.  Be sure you understand when to include a Contents Note (505) and Analytical Access Point (7XX X2).


Whole-part relationships for Compilations

  • LC: Give MARC 505 contents note unless contents indicated in another part of the of the description (e.g., in MARC 245 $a because no collective title present) or unless burdensome 
            •i.e., There is no limit on the number of works in the contents note unless burdensome. 

  • LC: Give one MARC 7XX analytical authorized access point for the predominant or first work when it represents a substantial part of the resource; cataloger judgment if additional 7XX fields are given for other works. 
The policy for this LC core relationship generally is to give a MARC 505 contents and at least one 7XX analytical authorized access point. If the contents are already indicated elsewhere in the description (e.g., in the 245 field), a contents note is not necessary; if there are TOO MANY works in the compilation, you can omit the contents note. LC-PCC PS 25.1 indicates when an analytical authorized access point doesn’t need to be given for the first or substantial work in the compilation. 
  • Don’t have to give analytical authorized access points or contents notes for some works: anthologies of poetry, conference proceedings, hymnals, journals, interviews, etc. – LC-PCC PS 25.1.

Examples: LCCN: 2013318648]

[Source : Library of Congress]



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