264 - Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice (R)

264 - Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice (R)

First IndicatorSecond Indicator
Sequence of statements
# - Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest
2 - Intervening
3 - Current/Latest
Function of entity
0 - Production
1 - Publication
2 - Distribution
3 - Manufacture
4 - Copyright notice date

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture (R)
  • $b - Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer (R)
  • $c - Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice (R)
  • $3 - Materials specified (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Statement relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a work.
Information in field 264 is similar to information in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)). Field 264 is useful for cases where the content standard or institutional policies make a distinction between functions

‡a Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture
Place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture, transcribed as it appears on the source of information.

264 1 Boston : ‡b [publisher not identified], ‡c 2010.
264 3 Cambridge : ‡b Kinsey Printing Company
[On source: Published in Boston, 2010; Cambridge -- Kinsey Printing Company; no distribution information]
264 1 Rankin, Pennsylvania : ‡b St. Mary's Church, ‡c 1928.
264 1 Warrendale, PA, U.S.A. : ‡b SAE International, ‡c [1994]
264 1 [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b [publisher not identified], ‡c 2009.
264 2 Kuala Lumpur : ‡b Pengedar, Metro Book Distributor
264 3 [Place of manufacture not identified] : ‡b BRC Printing & Desktop Publishing Ltd.
264 1 Cham ; ‡a Heidelberg ; ‡a New York ; ‡a Dordrecht ; ‡a London : ‡b Springer, ‡c [2014]
‡b Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer.
Name of producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer, transcribed as it appears on the source of information.

264 1 [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b ABC Publishers, ‡c 2009.
264 2 Seattle : ‡b Iverson Company
[On source: ABC Publishers, 2009; distributed by Iverson Company, Seattle]
264 1 New York, New York : ‡b Dell Publishing Co., Inc., ‡c [1972]
264 1 New York, N.Y. : ‡b New York Labor News Company, ‡c [1961]
264 1 [Chicago?] : ‡b Chicago and North Western Line, ‡c [1940?]
264 1 New York : ‡b Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, ‡c [2014]
264 1 Munchen, Germany : ‡b C.H. Beck ; ‡a Oxford, United Kingdom : ‡b Hart ; ‡a Baden-Baden, Germany : ‡b Nomos ; ‡a Basel, Switzerland : ‡b Helbing Lichtenhahn, ‡c 2014.
264 2 [Place of distribution not identified] : ‡b Distributed by Hal Leonard
264 3 Hong Kong : ‡b [manufacturer not identified], ‡c [1995]
‡c Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice
Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice. Precede a copyright date by the copyright symbol ( © ) or the phonogram copyright symbol ( ℗ ).

264 1 New York : ‡b Printed by order of the Board of Trustees, ‡c 1875.
264 1 Washington, D.C. : ‡b International Republican Institute, ‡c [date of publication not identified]
264 1 New York : ‡b Carlton and Lanahan, ‡c [between 1868 and 1872]
264 2 Waverly, IA : ‡b Distributed by CQ Products, ‡c [2010]
264 4 ‡c ©2002
264 4 ‡c ℗1983
‡3 Materials specified
Information to differentiate the multiple statements of the described materials to which the field applies.

264 1 ‡3 <1976-> : ‡a New York, NY : ‡b Alan R. Liss, Inc.
264 3 1 ‡3 <2005-> : ‡a Hoboken, N.J. : ‡b Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 25X-28X >> 264



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