
Showing posts from November, 2012

British Library Guide to RDA Name Authority Records

The British Library shares its Guide to RDA Name Authority Records in the "Workflows" section of "Tools tab" of RDA Toolkit. See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |  Twitter  |  YouTube   |  SlideShare  |  Tumblr   |  WordPress  |  Flipboard  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Order of Elements in Note Area in RDA according to ISBD and related RDA Rules

Question. Is there any rule in RDA for the sequence of “notes” in a MARC bibliographic record? Answer: There is no prescribed order on recording notes.   Background information: RDA Appendix D 1.1 shows the ISBD arrangement of notes based on areas of the record as in AACRR2.   Instructions from CONSER Editing Guide : Notes in records for continuing resources fall into two categories: 1)    Notes input in the 5XX note fields, and; 2)    Notes generated on output from other fields in the record (e.g., 246, 310, etc.). The 5XX fields contain general notes (field 500) and specific notes (fields 525, 550, 588, etc.) that cannot be generated from another field. Other fields that may generate notes are: 022, 037, 074, 086, 222, 246, 310, 321, 362 (indicator value "1"), 760-787. These fields generally have display constants that identify the specific type of information supplied in the note. 246 11 Denki Gakkai r...

Introducing RDA

Introducing RDA from ALATechSource Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Location of Conference, Etc.

See RDA 11 .3.2--Location of Conference, Etc. Changes from AACR2  There is no rule of three; all locations can be given Separate the locations with semicolons Give “Online” as the location of a conference held online  [Source: Based on instructions from RDA Toolkit] Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Data Model and Supporting Services

The Library of Congress is pleased to report that we have reached two important milestones with respect to our Bibliographic Framework Initiative: the introduction of a draft data model for web-based bibliographic description and a first meeting of a small group of early experimenters currently exploring the feasibility of the proposed model.  The new model is simply called BIBFRAME, short for Bibliographic Framework. The model document is a high-level view of the BIBFRAME model - a primer.  Although the model is a draft and expected to change, we want to share it now with the community not only so that you are informed of progress being made but also to engender conversation and constructive feedback.   The URL for the document  Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Data Model and Supporting Service s is: (Source: Library of Congress Website)

LC-PCC PS for 1.7.1 General Guidelines on Transcription

LC-PCC PS for 1.7.1 General Guidelines on Transcription>>Access Points for Corporate Names, Including Meetings, in Name Authority and Bibliographic Records ( LC practice/PCC practice): 1. Quotation marks. If the form of name in the access point includes quotation marks around an element or elements of the name, retain them. Use double quotation marks in the access point instead of other forms of quotation marks. 2. Initials. If the form of name in the access point consists of or contains initials, regularize the spacing and put one space after an initial that is followed by a word or other element that is not an initial and no space after an initial that is followed by another initial consisting of one letter. EXAMPLE source F&H Denby authorized access point 110 2# $a F & H Denby EXAMPLE source U. S. D. A. Symposium … authorized access point 111 2# $a U.S.D.A. Symposium ... E...

Appendices in RDA

RDA Appendices A: Capitalization B: Abbreviations C: Initial Articles D: Record Syntaxes for Descriptive Data E: Record Syntaxes for Access Point Control F: Additional Instructions on Names of Persons G: Titles of Nobility, Terms of Rank, Etc. H: Dates in the Christian Calendar I: Relationship Designators: Relationships between a Resource and Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with the Resource J: Relationship Designators: Relationships between Works, Expressions, Manifestations, and Items K: Relationship Designators: Relationships between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies L: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Concepts, Objects, Events, and Places [Source: RDA Toolkit] Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

RDA Descriptive Cataloging Training: Module 3 -- Identifying Expressions and Describing Content

Recorded Webinar (Sept. 5, 2012) [1:15:07] [MP4 : 47.4 MB] Slides   (Sept. 2012) [PPT : 609 KB] Manual   (Sept. 2012) [Word : 295 KB] Exercise 6 [Word : 30 KB] Exercise 6: Answers [Word : 32 KB] Exercise 7 [Word : 42 KB] Exercise 7: Answers [Word : 47 KB] Exercise 8 [Word : 33 KB] Exercise 8: Answers [Word : 33 KB] (Source: Library of Congress (LC) RDA Training Materials)

RDA Templates

See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |  Twitter  |  YouTube   |  SlideShare  |  Tumblr   |  WordPress  |  Flipboard  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs

MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs This document records the recommended interim practice when giving the information in authority records. The information will be updated as ‘best practice’ decisions are adopted by the PCC and changes to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Date are implemented. LC/PCC will use the authority format when creating records for works and expressions. Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

RDA Descriptive Cataloging Training: Module 2 -- Describing Carriers and Identifying Works

RDA: Module 2 -- Describing Carriers and Identifying Works Recorded Webinars: Module 2, part 1 (Oct. 2012) [0:32:36] [MP4 : 42 MB] Module 2, part 2 (Oct. 2012) [1:15:44] [MP4 : 97 MB] Slides (Sept. 2012) [PPT : 637 KB] Manual (Sept. 2012) [Word : 403 KB] Exercises 3-4 [Word : 35 KB] Exercises 3-4: Answers [Word : 37 KB] Exercises 5 [Word : 31 KB] Exercises 5: Answers [Word : 33 KB] (Source: Library of Congress (LC) RDA Training Materials)

RDA-- or Occupation

The need of making undifferentiated name authority record is less as compared to AACR2. Following rule helps in this regard: Section 3: Recording Attributes of Person, Family, & Corporate Body>> Chapte 9: Identifying Persons>> 9.19: Constructing Access Points to Represent Persons>> 9.19.1 Authorized Access Points Representing a Person>> 9 .19.1.6 Profession or Occupation • (9.16): Profession or occupation    –Required for certain names; Can add to differentiate       –LC policy: cataloger judgment choice to distinguish one person from another with the same name      e.g. 100 1 $a Haider, Salman $c (Librarian) [Source: Based on information from Library of Congress and RDA Toolkit]

MARC Authority to RDA Mapping

MARC Authority to RDA Mapping is available free from RDA Toolkit  under the tab "TOOLS" See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |  Twitter  |  YouTube   |  SlideShare  |  Tumblr   |  WordPress  |  Flipboard  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

RDA Template for Authority Record for Name of Person in Cataloging Module of Voyager ILS

<<<<<---------->>>>> RDA Blog  :  RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new  library cataloging  standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based on the  Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  ( FRBR ), intended for use by libraries and other cultural organizations replacing  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules  ( AACR2 ). This blog lists description and links to resources on  Resource Description & Access (RDA) . It is an attempt to bring together at one place all the useful and important information, rules, references, news, and links on  Resource Description and Access ,  FRBR ,  FRAD ,  FRSAD ,  MARC standards ,  AACR2 ,  BIBFRAME , and other items related to current developments and trends in  library cataloging  practice...

Access to AACR2 via Cataloger’s Desktop after March 31, 2013

I n January 2012 the Library of Congress announced that it would transition from AACR2 ( Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules , second edition) to RDA ( Resource Description and Access ) on March 31, 2013. AACR2 is currently available via LC’s web-based cataloging documentation subscription service, Cataloger’s Desktop , as well as through RDA Toolkit . In keeping with LC’s decision to switch from AACR2 to RDA, Cataloger’s Desktop will simultaneously change how access to AACR2 is provided. On April 1, 2013, if you subscribe to both Cataloger’s Desktop and RDA Toolkit (which includes an online version of AACR2), you will continue to have access to AACR2. If you subscribe to Cataloger’s Desktop but not to RDA Toolkit and want online access to AACR2, you will need to establish an RDA Toolkit subscription at To ease the impact of the transition, current Cataloger’s Desktop subscribers will get an additional month for FREE upon subscription renewal. That...

Inverted Cross References in NARs for Conferences

Inverted cross-ref in NARs Example (AACR2) 111 2  National Town & County Planners Congress 411 2 County Planners Congress, National Town & 411 2  Town & County Planners Congress, National Note:  Both variants were provided before when cataloging with AACR2 because of RI 26.3A (References from inverted names of Conferences, Exhibitions, Fairs, Festivals, etc.)— These references are no longer needed as variants in RDA .   Reason: Key word search in ILS will resolve this need. Please add all the qualifiers (no.; date; place) just like your 111 field for both RDA variants. LC-PCC PS: When creating an authority record for the collective conference, do not add the numbers/and/or dates to the authorized access point and variants if you are providing variants <<<<<---------->>>>> RDA Blog  :  RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new...

RDA Table of Contents and General Structure

General Structure Remember that RDA has a clear structure: Table of Contents Introduction Specific instructions o    Entities and their attributes ·             Group 1 (WEMI) (Chapters 1-7) ·             Group 2 (PFC) (Chapters 8-16) o    Relationships (Chapters 17-22, 24-32) Appendices for o    Abbreviation o    Capitalization o    Relationship designators (more on this later) Glossary with links to the text of the instructions Index <<<--------------------------->>> RDA Table of Contents 0: Introduction 0.0 Purpose and Scope 0.1 Key Features 0.2 Relationship to Other Standards for Resource Description and Access 0.3 Conceptual Models Underlying RDA 0.4 Objectives and Principl...


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