Relationship Designators in Resource Description and Access (RDA) : honouree, host institution, organizer, sponsoring body, author

RELATIONSHIP DESIGNATORAPPENDIX I.2.2 : Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work
honoureeUse this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body honoured by a work (e.g., the honouree of a festschrift or a commemorative volume) (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e)
host institutionUse this relationship designator with a corporate body hosting the event, exhibit, conference, etc., which gave rise to a work, but having little or no responsibility for the content of the work (MARC21 tag 710, subfield e)
organizerUse this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body organizing the exhibit, event, conference, etc., which gave rise to a work (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e)
sponsoring bodyUse this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body sponsoring some aspect of a work, e.g., funding research, sponsoring an event (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e)

[Questions asked on the use and scope of some RDA Relationship designators, see RDA Toolkit Appendix I for more]

Aaron Kuperman I have found the "honouree" (not just for festscrifts) to be very useful. If they publish someone's essay to honor him, it get a double $e (author, honouree). --- The "Sponsoring party" is good for a law of legal publications where and organization wasn't the publisher, but wasn't an author, but is identified with the book.


authorUse this relationship designator for - A person, family, or corporate body responsible for creating a work that is primarily textual in content, regardless of media type (e.g., printed text, spoken word, electronic text, tactile text) or genre (e.g., poems, novels, screenplays, blogs). Use also for persons, etc., creating a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression. (MARC21 tag 100, 110, 700, 710, subfield e)
librettist - An author of the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio. For an author of the words of just the songs from a musical, see lyricist.

lyricist - An author of the words of a popular song, including a song or songs from a musical. For an author of just the dialogue from a musical, see librettist.

rapporteur - An author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings. For a person, family, or corporate body whose responsibility is limited to taking minutes, see minute taker at I.3.1.

screenwriter - An author of a screenplay, script, or scene.

Use relationship designator librettist, lyricist, rapporteur, screenwriter in place of author in above cases.


Relationship designators for an academic degree [I.2.2]:

degree committee member A person serving on a committee that supervises a student's thesis or dissertation.
degree granting institution A corporate body granting an academic degree.
degree supervisor A person, such as an advisor or supervisor of thesis or dissertation research, overseeing either an academic degree or thesis.


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