246 - Varying Form of Title - MARC 21

246 - Varying Form of Title (R)


Varying forms of the title appearing on different parts of an item or a portion of the title proper, or an alternative form of the title when the form differs substantially from the title statement in field 245 and if they contribute to the further identification of the item.

For items including several works but lacking a collective title, field 246 is used only for titles related to the title selected as the title proper, usually the first work named in the chief source of information. Titles related to other works are recorded in field 740 (Added Entry-Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title) or one of the other 7XX (Added Entry) fields.

When displayed/printed as a note, varying forms of titles are usually preceded by an introductory term or phrase that is generated as a display constant based on the second indicator value.

First IndicatorSecond Indicator
Note/added entry controller
0 - Note, no added entry
1 - Note, added entry
2 - No note, no added entry
3 - No note, added entry
Type of title
# - No type specified
0 - Portion of title
1 - Parallel title
2 - Distinctive title
3 - Other title
4 - Cover title
5 - Added title page title
6 - Caption title
7 - Running title
8 - Spine title

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Title proper/short title (NR)
  • $b - Remainder of title (NR)
  • $f - Date or sequential designation (NR)
  • $g - Miscellaneous information (R)
  • $h - Medium (NR)
  • $i - Display text (NR)
  • $n - Number of part/section of a work (R)
  • $p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
  • $5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

[Source: Library of Congress MARC Bibliographic]


      RDA record for this monograph:
            245 $a Teusday’s tasks
      246 $i Corrected title: $a Tuesday’s tasks

      RDA record for a serial:
            245 $a Zoology studies
      246 $i Misspelled title on number 1: $a Zooology studies 


245 10 $a XX centuries & Mt. St. Helens ...
246 3# $a 20 centuries and Mount Saint Helens

246 3# $a Twenty centuries and Mount Saint Helens

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