RDA Authorities Cataloging Training: Authorities II

RDA: Authorities II
  • Family Names
  • Corporate Names: Introduction and Attributes
  • Corporate Names: Authorized Access Points
  • Corporate Names: AACR2 and RDA
  • Geographic Names
  • Work/Expression NARs


Names of Families

Module 5 (10:13)

Slides (PPT : 302 KB)

Demonstration 5
A look at name authority records for family names.

Demo (7:30)


Identifying Corporate Bodies: Overview / Recording the Attributes [Corporate Names: Introduction and Attributes]

Module 6.a (27:23)

Slides (PPT : 503 KB)

Demonstration 6.a
A look at several examples of RDA authority records for names of corporate bodies, concentrating on the attributes or identifying characteristics of the corporate body and how they are recorded in the authority record.

Part 1 (22:33)
Part 2 (15:12)

Handout (Word : 121 KB)

Quiz 6.a
Test your knowledge and understanding of RDA attributes for corporate bodies.

Introduction to the Quiz (23:09)
RIMMF Template (Word : 63 KB)
Exercise Handout (Word : 845 KB)

Suggested Answers (PDF : 328 KB)


Identifying Corporate Bodies: Constructing Authorized Access Points [Corporate Names: Authorized Access Points]

Module 6.b (3:09)

Slides (PPT : 264 KB)

Demonstration 6.b
A look at several examples of authorized access points for corporate bodies.

Part 1 (14:08)
Part 2 (17:48)

Handout (Word : 191 KB)

Quiz 6.b
Test your knowledge and understanding of RDA authorized access points for corporate names.

Introduction to the Quiz (16:27)
Exercise Handout (Word : 849 KB)

Suggested Answers (PDF : 371 KB)


Identifying Corporate Bodies: Constructing Variant Access Points

Module 6.c (2:40)

Slides (PPT : 304 KB)


Identifying Corporate Bodies: AACR2 Similarities and Differences

Module 6.d (10:28)
Slides (PPT : 253 KB)

Quiz 6.d
Test your knowledge and understanding of the differences between RDA and AACR2 for names of corporate bodies.

Quiz Handout (Word : 154 KB)

Answers (PDF : 95 KB)


Identifying Places [Geographic Names]

Module 7 (12:04)

Slides (PPT : 311 KB)


WEMI: Group 1 Entities as NARs [Work/Expression NARs]

Module 8.a (7:50)

Authorized Access Points
Module 8.b (13:54)

Variant Access Points
Module 8.c (8:26)
Slides (PPT : 345 KB)

Demonstration 8.a
A look at several examples of name authority records for Works and Expressions.

Demo (15:04)

Demonstration 8.b
A revised edition with a change in title: a new Expression of a Work.

Demo (7:26)

Quiz 8
Test your knowledge and understanding of using the authority format for Works and Expression records.


(Source: LC RDA Training Materials)

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