RDA in Europe (documents and presentations)

RDA in France

RDA in Europe: making it happen! EURIG-JSC seminar on RDA (8 Aug 2010, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark)


All documents are in PDF.


Presentations are in PDF and/or PPS.
  • RDA in BNE / Mar Hernández Agustí [PDF] [PPS]
  • RDA future development: governance, participation and future change / Caroline Brazier [PDF] [PPS]
  • A long and winding road: RDA from principles to practice / Alan Danskin [PDF] [PPS]
  • German translation issues / Christine Frodl [PDF] [PPS]
  • Germany on track for international standards: RDA / Renate Gömpel [PPS]
  • RDA in Finland / Tuula Haapamäki [PDF] [PPS]
  • French libraries moving to RDA? Key issues / Françoise Leresche & Françoise Bourdon [PPS]
  • RDA in Europe: making it happen : summary of presentations by European countries on plans for moving to RDA [PDF] [PPS]
  • Translating RDA / Margaret Stewart [PDF] [PPS]
  • RDA and plans: Australia, Canada, UK, & US / Barbara B. Tillett [PDF] [PPS]
  • The US RDA test / Beacher Wiggins [PDF] [PPS]


RDA Blog : RDA Blog is a blog on Resource Description and Access (RDA), a new library cataloging standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), intended for use by libraries and other cultural organizations replacing Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2). This blog lists description and links to resources on Resource Description & Access (RDA). It is an attempt to bring together at one place all the useful and important information, rules, references, news, and links on Resource Description and AccessFRBRFRADFRSADMARC standardsAACR2BIBFRAME, and other items related to current developments and trends in library cataloging practice.

RDA Blog History: RDA Blog was created by Salman Haider, a Cataloging & Metadata Librarian Blogger & Online Social Media Expert from India. RDA Blog embarked on its journey to provide useful information to Resource Description and Access (RDA) in August 2011. It received good response from librarians, catalogers, and library professionals from all around the world. It is interesting to note that the first hundred thousand pageviews to RDA Blog came in 3 years, but it took just 8 months to reach another hundred thousand pageviews. At present it is viewed at a rate of fifteen to twenty thousand times per month. RDA Blog is widely followed in social media.

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RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)

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