RDA is divided into ten sections: sections 1–4 cover elements corresponding to the entity attributes defined in FRBR and FRAD; sections 5–10 cover elements corresponding to the relationships defined in FRBR and FRAD.

The initial chapter in each section sets out the functional objectives and principles underlying the guidelines and instructions in that section, and specifies core elements to support those functional objectives.

Subsequent chapters within each section cover attributes or relationships that support a specific user task as follows:


Section 1 covers the attributes of manifestations and items that are most commonly used to identify a resource (chapter 2), to select a resource appropriate to the user’s requirements with respect to format and encoding (chapter 3), and to obtain a resource (chapter 4). 
Section 2 covers the attributes of works and expressions that are most commonly used to identify a work or expression (chapter 6), and to select a work or expression appropriate to the user’s requirements with respect to content (chapter 7). 
Section 3 covers the attributes of persons (chapter 9), families (chapter 10), and corporate bodies (chapter 11) that are most commonly used to identify those entities. 
Section 4 covers the attributes of concepts (chapter 13), objects (chapter 14), events (chapter 15), and places (chapter 16) that are most commonly used to identify those entities.


Section 5 covers the primary relationships between a work, expression, manifestation, and item (chapter 17).

Section 6 covers the relationships that are used to find works (chapter 19), expressions (chapter 20), manifestations (chapter 21), and items (chapter 22) associated with a particular person, family, or corporate body.

Section 7 covers the relationships that are used to find works on a particular subject (chapter 23).

Section 8 covers the relationships that are used to find related works (chapter 25), related expressions (chapter 26), related manifestations (chapter 27), and related items (chapter 28).

Section 9 covers the relationships that are used to find related persons (chapter 30), related families (chapter 31), and related corporate bodies (chapter 32).

Section 10 covers the relationships that are used to find related concepts (chapter 34), objects (chapter 35), events (chapter 36), and places (chapter 37).

Supplementary guidelines and instructions are provided in appendices as follows:

Appendix A provides guidelines on capitalization for English and a selected number of other languages. The appendix includes guidelines that apply to elements that require transcription and to elements that are recorded.

Appendix B provides instructions on the use of abbreviations when recording specified elements and on using symbols instead of abbreviations, when appropriate. It includes lists of abbreviations in English and a selected number of other languages.

Appendix C lists articles to be omitted when applying the alternative instructions for titles for works and names of persons, corporate bodies, and places. The initial articles are listed by language.

Appendix D provides mappings of RDA data elements used to describe a resource to a selected number of related metadata schemes for encoding or presentation of resource description data (e.g., ISBD, MARC 21).

Appendix E provides mappings of RDA data elements used to describe an entity associated with a resource to a selected number of related metadata schemes for encoding or presentation of access point and authority data (e.g., AACR2, MARC 21).

Appendix F provides instructions on choosing and recording names of persons in a number of specific languages, supplementing the general guidelines and instructions in chapter 9.

Appendix G  provides information on titles of nobility, terms of rank, etc., used in a number of specific jurisdictions.

Appendix H  provides information on recording dates in the Christian calendar.

Appendix I lists terms used as designators to indicate the nature of a relationship between a resource and a person, family, or corporate body associated with that resource. The relationship designators define the relationship more specifically than the relationship element by itself. The appendix provides definitions for terms used as relationship designators and instructions on their use.

Appendix J lists terms used as designators to indicate the nature of a relationship between works, expressions, manifestations, and items. The relationship designators define the relationship more specifically than the relationship element by itself. The appendix provides definitions for terms used as relationship designators and instructions on their use.

Appendix K lists terms used as designators to indicate the nature of a relationship between persons, families, and corporate bodies. The relationship designators define the relationship more specifically than the relationship element by itself. The appendix provides definitions for terms used as relationship designators and instructions on their use.

Appendix L lists terms used as designators to indicate the nature of a relationship between concepts, objects, events, and places. The relationship designators define the relationship more specifically than the relationship element by itself. The appendix provides definitions for terms used as relationship designators and instructions on their use.

[Source: Based on information from RDA Toolkit]

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