
Showing posts from January, 2013

Changing Name Authority Record from AACR2 to RDA

Change the Descriptive cataloging rules (008/10) to "z", from "c"  In the 040 add cataloging source, e.g. $d DLC (if it doesn't end with this already) and a $e rda. Re-examine the record to see if the heading and also the references are according to RDA rules and LC-PCC PS (if applicable). General guidelines Do not create hybrid AACR2/RDA authorized access points in establishing new headings or in making additions to existing headings. Follow one cataloging code or the other in establishing authorized access points. Catalogers making additions to AACR2 headings or making new headings based on existing AACR2 records will use AACR2 rules and appropriate LCRIs.   Catalogers making additions to RDA headings or making new headings based on existing RDA records will use RDA instructions. AACR2 1XX fields that are suitable for use under RDA may be used as the base element in an extended RDA authorized access point (such as a name-title or subordi...

RDA Toolkit Essentials

33X fields do not necessarily mean RDA

Recent questions to the Policy and Standards Division prompt this cautionary message about imported records. The presence of fields 336 (Content type), 337 (Media type), and 338 (Carrier type) in a bibliographic record does not in and of itself indicate RDA cataloging, since these fields may be used with non-RDA cataloging.  When these fields are present in a bibliographic record look for positive evidence of RDA cataloging:             Ldr/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) = i (ISBD punctuation included) or c (ISBD                         punctuation omitted)             040 contains $e = rda             If the value in Ldr/18 is neither "i" nor "c" and 040 contains $e = rda, rely on the ...

Undifferentiated Personal Name Authority Records

RDA Interim Policies and Best Practices LC and PCC have agreed to the interim guidelines for undifferentiated names found at: <<<<----->>>> Undifferentiated Personal Name Authority Records (Jan. 7, 2013) Pending the final report of the PCC Non-MARC Task Group, due March 29, 2013, PCC NACO catalogers encountering identities that may be candidates for an undifferentiated name authority record are asked to follow these guidelines: RDA-trained NACO Catalogers: • Avoid if at all possible creating new RDA or AACR2 undifferentiated personal name authority records • Avoid if at all possible adding entities to existing RDA or AACR2 undifferentiated personal name authority records Instead, apply one of the following RDA instructions, based on cataloger's judgment, to create a unique authorized access point for the person: • RDA (Profession o...

Differentiating Names of Persons: Answers to Questions

Answers and comments by experts are posted on RDA Cataloging, an online community/forum/group on Google+ at following URL. Please check "comments" following the post tilted "DIFFERENTIATING NAMES OF PERSONS: QUESTIONS"

Submitting Proposals to Revise RDA

Following is the link from the website of Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC RDA) for Submitting Proposals to Revise RDA: The Rule Revision Process: Submitting Proposals to Revise RDA

Differentiating Names of Persons: Questions

Join RDA Cataloging , a companion Google+ Community for this blog and discuss/answer/comment on a question on "Differentiating Names of Persons in RDA". According to RDA: Additions to the name are given as instructed under– • (9.4 and 9.6): Title or other designation associated with the person –Required for certain names • (9.3.2/9.3.3): Date of birth and/or death –Give if available • (9.5): Fuller form of name –Add to differentiate (LC!) • (9.3.4): Period of activity of person –Add to differentiate • (9.16): Profession or occupation –Required for certain names; Can add to differentiate QUESTION: Can we still use qualifiers to 100 field according to MARC X00 - Personal Names-General Information to differentialte in Name Authority Records of different persons with same name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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