Changing Name Authority Record from AACR2 to RDA
Change the Descriptive cataloging rules (008/10) to "z", from "c" In the 040 add cataloging source, e.g. $d DLC (if it doesn't end with this already) and a $e rda. Re-examine the record to see if the heading and also the references are according to RDA rules and LC-PCC PS (if applicable). General guidelines Do not create hybrid AACR2/RDA authorized access points in establishing new headings or in making additions to existing headings. Follow one cataloging code or the other in establishing authorized access points. Catalogers making additions to AACR2 headings or making new headings based on existing AACR2 records will use AACR2 rules and appropriate LCRIs. Catalogers making additions to RDA headings or making new headings based on existing RDA records will use RDA instructions. AACR2 1XX fields that are suitable for use under RDA may be used as the base element in an extended RDA authorized access point (such as a name-title or subordi...