
Showing posts from March, 2015

246 - Varying Form of Title - MARC 21

246 - Varying Form of Title (R) FIELD DEFINITION AND SCOPE Varying forms of the title appearing on different parts of an item or a portion of the title proper, or an alternative form of the title when the form differs substantially from the title statement in field 245 and if they contribute to the further identification of the item. For items including several works but lacking a collective title, field 246 is used only for titles related to the title selected as the title proper, usually the first work named in the chief source of information. Titles related to other works are recorded in field 740 (Added Entry-Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title) or one of the other 7XX (Added Entry) fields. When displayed/printed as a note, varying forms of titles are usually preceded by an introductory term or phrase that is generated as a display constant based on the second indicator value. First Indicator Second Indicator Note/added entry controller 0 - Not...

RDA Cataloging Rules for Pseudonyms with MARC 21 Examples

A revised version of this article is available at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD VERSION Definition Pseudonym A name used by a person (either alone or in collaboration with others) that is not the person’s real name. ( RDA Toolkit Glossary) Pseudonym A name assumed by an author to conceal or obscure his or her identity. ( AACR2 Glossary)  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Library of Congress / Program for Cooperative Cataloging practice for creating Name Authority Records (NARs) for persons who use Pseudonyms: Q1. How many Name Authority Records ( NARs ) are needed for contemporary persons who use pseudonyms?  Answer: If the person never uses his real name in his works but only use his pseudonym as his name, then establish the Name Authority Record under t...

Resource Description and Access RDA

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a new library cataloging standard, successor to AACR2… … ... Read original article in Librarianship Studies & Information Technology blog: RDA: Resource Description and Access Subscribe to Librarianship Studies & Information Technology YouTube channel :

Articles, Books, Presentations on Resource Description and Access (RDA)

Resource Description and Access (RDA) ➨ Articles, Books, Presentations, Thesis, Videos A visual explanation of the areas defined by AACR2, RDA, LCNAF, LC Classification, LC Subject Headings, Dewey Classification, MARC21. Book by James Weinheimer, 2015. A web of meaning Linked open data resources on the web C Landis - College & Research Libraries News, 2014 ... provides short descriptions of each of the terms and links out to more in-depth descriptions and standards. ... Although still in its adolescence, BIBFRAME's emphasis on relationships between resources means that much of the duplication encountered ... Access: ... Cataloging for School Librarians M Kelsey - 2014 [PDF] Introduction to linked data TP Meehan - Catalogue and Index, 2014 ... and preferably one where more information can be found, potentially with further links to yet more resources. ... Resource Description Framework (RDF). ... xml:lang="en...


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Resource Description and Access (RDA)