
Showing posts from 2015

Top 10 RDA Blog Posts of 2015 on Resource Description & Access Cataloging

This was the fourth year of RDA Blog  on Resource Description and Access ( RDA ).  We hope that our posts have been both interesting and helpful to all librarians and catalogers. As 2015 comes to a close, I want to share our most read articles of the year. Top 10 RDA Blog Posts of 2015   RDA Cataloging Rules for Pseudonyms with MARC 21 Examples International Standard Book Number (ISBN) - MARC to RDA Mapping RDA Cataloging Examples Articles, Books, Presentations on Resource Description and Access (RDA) Establishing Certain Entities in the Name or Subject Authority File : RDA Cataloging Libhub Initiative Corrected Titles Proper & Variant Titles : RDA vs AACR2 : Questions and Answers & Best Practices RDA Bibliography LC RDA Implementation of Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records 33X fields do not necessarily mean RDA Thank you for reading  RDA Blog  on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA )! Happy New Y...

Name of Publisher in RDA & AACR2 & MARC 21 Examples

Publisher's Name in  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ) &  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules  ( AACR2 ) with  MARC 21 Examples Table of Contents: Core Element How is Publisher's Name is defined Where are Rules for Publisher's Name in RDA What are the Sources of Information for Publisher's Name in RDA How is Publisher's Name Transcribed / Recorded in Resource Description and Access (RDA) More than One Publisher in Resource Description and Access (RDA) Publisher's Name in More Than One Language or Script No Publisher Identified in Resource Description and Access (RDA) MARC 21 Field 264 RDA Examples of Recording Publisher's Name in MARC 21 Field 264 CORE ELEMENT: Publisher's Name is a Core Element;   if more than one publisher’s name appears on the source of information, only the first recorded is required. How is Publisher's Name is defined :  According to the  Glossary of Library and Information Science  of...

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) : Assigning and Constructing

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) : Assigning and Constructing New Post on  Librarianship Studies & Information Technology  Blog provides a comprehensive and most up-to-date description of  Assigning and Constructing Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)  : Principles, Practices, and Examples From  Subject Headings Manual (SHM)  Instruction Sheet H 180  (Visit above link to read complete article ... ... ...) BACKGROUND:  This instruction sheet contains general practices followed by the Library of Congress for assigning subject headings to individual works being cataloged and for constructing subject heading strings in the Library of Congress subject heading system. This instruction sheet begins after the initial steps of subject analysis have taken place, that is, after an examination of the item to determine its s...

Subject Headings Manual : Glossary of Library & Information Science

Subject Headings Manual : Glossary of Library & Information Science New Post on  Librarianship Studies & Information Technology  Blog provides a comprehensive and most up-to-date description of  Subject Headings Manual (SHM) Subject Headings Manual (SHM)  provides guidelines to use  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) . The manual was originally conceived as an in-house procedure manual to aid subject catalogers at the Library of Congress in constructing and assigning  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)  in an accurate and consistent manner.  SHM  includes explanations of subject cataloging policy, procedures, and practices for the catalogers at Library of Congress in providing  LCSH  subject headings to bibliographic records and constructing new headings to be included in  LCSH . Other libraries who wish to cat...

Place of Publication in RDA & AACR2 & MARC 21 Examples

Place of Publication in Resource Description and Access ( RDA ) & Anglo-American Cataloging Rules ( AACR2 ) with MARC 21 Examples Table of Contents: CORE ELEMENT How is Place of Publication defined Where are Rules for Place of Publication in RDA What are the Sources of Information for Place of Publication in RDA How is Place of Publication Transcribed / Recorded in Resource Description and Access (RDA) More than One Place of Publication Language or Script Place of Publication Not Identified CORE ELEMENT: Place of Publication is a core element; if more than one place of publication appears on the source of information, only the first recorded is required. How is Place of Publication defined:  According to the  Glossary of Library and Information Science  of  Librarianship Studies and Information Technology  blog, the  place of publication  is the place associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a resourc...

RDA LC-PCC PS Revision

RDA Toolkit Update, October 13, 2015 - Changes in Resource Description and Access (RDA) and Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS) and RDA Toolkit A new release of the RDA Toolkit is published on Tuesday, October 13.  This message will cover several points you should be aware of related to the release.  Changes in RDA Content Change in Content in LC-PCC PSs Functional Changes in the RDA Toolkit Changes in RDA Content : Fast Track changes This includes changes to some instruction captions, but there is no actual change in practice.  There are a few new relationship designators for Appendix I , the term “ researcher ” may be one of broad interest. According to I.2.2  Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work:  Researcher: A person, family, or corporate body who does research in support of the creation of a work. Change in Content i...

Library of Congress Subject Headings : Glossary of Library & Information Science

Library of Congress Subject Headings : Glossary of Library & Information Science New Post on Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog (partner of RDA Blog) provides a comprehensive and most up-to-date description and definition of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) LCSH is a multidisciplinary vocabulary that includes headings in all subjects, from science to religion, to history, social science, education, literature, and philosophy. It also includes headings for geographic features, ethnic groups, historical events, building names, etc. Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is the most widely used subject vocabulary in the world. It is the model for many other vocabularies in English and other languages, and has been translated into numerous languages. The strongest aspect of LCSH is that it represents subject headings of the Library of Congress, the national library of United States, one of the richest of national libraries of...

RDA Blog

RDA Blog Revision: Following pages of  RDA Blog  has been revised: About RDA Blog RDA Blog Testimonials Please provide us your valuable feedback in the  RDA Blog Guest Book   to make   RDA Blog   a better place for information on  Resource Description and Access (RDA) .   Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)