
Showing posts from August, 2014

Temporary / Permanent Date in an Incomplete Multipart Monograph : Questions and Answers in the Google+ Community "RDA Cataloging"

RDA Cataloging is an online community/group/forum for library and information science students, professionals and cataloging & metadata librarians. It is a place where people can get together to share ideas, trade tips and tricks, share resources, get the latest news, and learn about Resource Description and Access (RDA), a new cataloging standard to replace AACR2, and other issues related to cataloging and metadata.  Questions and Answers in the Google+ Community " RDA Cataloging " <<<<====>>>> Publication etc., dates (MARC21 264 ). These conventions do not apply to serials or integrating resources (temporary data not recorded in this field). Temporary date. If a portion of a date is temporary, enclose the portion in angle brackets. EXAMPLE , 1980-〈1981〉  v. 1-2 held; v. 2 published in 1981 , 〈1981-〉  v. 2 held; v. 1-2 published in 1981 , 〈1979〉-1981.  v. 2-3 held of a 3-volume set , 〈1978-1980〉...

Relationship Designators in Resource Description and Access (RDA) : honouree, host institution, organizer, sponsoring body, author

RELATIONSHIP DESIGNATOR APPENDIX I.2.2 : Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work honouree Use this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body honoured by a work (e.g., the honouree of a festschrift or a commemorative volume) (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e) host institution Use this relationship designator with a corporate body hosting the event, exhibit, conference, etc., which gave rise to a work, but having little or no responsibility for the content of the work (MARC21 tag 710, subfield e) organizer Use this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body organizing the exhibit, event, conference, etc., which gave rise to a work (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e) sponsoring body Use this relationship designator with a person, family, or corporate body sponsoring some aspect of a work, e.g., funding research, sponsoring an event (MARC21 tag 700, 710, subfield e) [Q...


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Resource Description and Access (RDA)