
Showing posts from March, 2014

RDA: What it is --

A Content Standard RDA provides instructions on recording the content of records. It does not provide instruction on how a given library system (e.g.) should display the bibliographic information (although there is information about displaying RDA content). Nor does it provide instruction on encoding the information. RDA is schema-neutral. You can use it with any schema, including MARC, or Dublin Core. More International RDA is less Anglo-centric than AACR2.  It focuses on user needs, as stressed in the International Cataloguing Principles. In addition, the agency preparing the description can make choices regarding the: language of additions to access points language of supplied data script and transliteration calendar numeric system Wider Scope of Resources RDA also covers the wider scope of resources being acquired in libraries today. It provides for more elements for: non-printed text resourc...


              RDA BLOG HIGHLIGHTS IN 1-MINUTE VIDEO PRESENTATION               Thanks all for your love, support and suggestions. Please post your feedback and comments on RDA Blog Guest Book . Select remarks will be posted on RDA Blog Testimonials page. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION IN FULL VIEW MODE CLICK HERE FOR YOUTUBE VERSION OF THIS VIDEO - TO VIEW ON A MOBILE PHONE/TABLET <<<<<---------->>>>> RDA Blog  :  RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new  library cataloging  standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based on the  Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  ( FRBR ), intended for use by libraries and other cultural organizations replacing  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules ...

RDAExpress : a service to convert any library catalog to RDA

A clean database is the key to providing library users the best possible searching experience and catalogers have dedicated years of service in cultivating and maintaining their databases to this end. The new RDA standard has great benefits, providing enriched content and priming libraries for a Linked Data environment, but it also has an impact on workflow, budgets and patron experience. RDA holds the promise for libraries to restructure its data to provide a better searching experience for users and ultimately link outside the library to be more competitive in today’s digital world.  Most integrated library systems are compliant with RDA, in that they can handle a mixed database of AACR2 and RDA records, but is that really helpful to your users? A mixed database results in a mixed display, with your newer records providing more specific information than your legacy records, disrupting search and discovery. RDAExpress (   promises to...

Additional information on use of $b in fields 336-338

Library of Congress has begun supplying $b codes for the equivalent terms in $a of fields 336 (Content type), 337 (Media type), and 338 (Carrier type). This is the most efficient manner to start populating a subfield that LC initially chose not to apply. This will allow LC records to conform more to records produced outside of LC (e.g., OCLC generally adds the codes in $b in new records). It will be supplied automatically if cataloger are using the macro or the RDA templates in Voyager—staff are not expected to manually add $b to fields in existing records that lack the subfield. [Source : Library of Congress]

Appendix I : New Relationship Designators

There are  three new relationship designators  Appendix I :  organizer [I.2.2 ] cartographer (expression) [I.3.1] minute taker [I.3.1] [Source : RDA Toolkit] Comments by Aaron Kuperman , Law Librarian, Library of Congress : This list is flexible. It is expected that new terms will be constantly added. Consider it as being similar to how LCSH grows, rather than the former system under LCRI under changes were few and far between.

Editor of Compilation vs Compiler

RDA RELATIONSHIP DESIGNATORS RDA Relationship Designators : Editor of Compilation vs Compiler  The editor of a compilation, as defined in I.3.1, is not a creator of a work and thus has to be treated as a 700, not a 100. On the other hand, a compiler (for example of a dictionary, a directory, a bibliography, etc.) can be considered a creator (see I.2.1) and thus can be treated as a 100. Expert remarks by  Aaron Kuperman ,  Law Librarian, Library of Congress :  A good rule of thumb is that a compilation needs to consist of works that can (and should) be listed in the contents note. According to RDA Toolkit:  I.2.1 Relationship Designators for Creators:  Compiler :  A person, family, or corporate body responsible for creating a new work (e.g., a bibliography, a directory) by selecting, arranging, aggregating, and editing data, information, etc. For a compiler as a contributor, see editor at I.3.1. According to RDA Toolkit: I...

Conventional Collective title / Uniform title : Questions and Answers

Question : Is it allowed to give 240 conventional collective title / uniform title in following example: 010 __  |a  2012352243 020 __  |a  9788179171615 (hb) 020 __  |z  9788179171623 (pb) 025 __  |a  I-H-2012-352243; 21-92 037 __  |b  Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office 040 __  |a  DLC  |b  eng  |c  DLC  |e  rda  |d  DLC 041 1_  |a  hin  |h  hin  |h  nep 042 __  |a  lcode  |a  pcc 043 __  |a  a-np--- 050 00  |a  DS495.6  |b  .P67 2011 100 0_  |a  PracanÌ£dÌ£a,  |d  1944-  |e  interviewee. 240 10  |a  Interviews.  |k  Selections 245 10  |a  EvarestÌ£a para LaÌ„la jhanÌ£dÌ£aÌ„ :  |b  NepaÌ„la ke MaÌ„ovaÌ„diÌ„ netaÌ„ PracanÌ£dÌ£a se baÌ„taciÌ„ta /  |c  sampaÌ„daka AÌ„nanda SvaruÌ„pa VarmaÌ„. 264 _1  |a  D...

Corporate Body Relationship Designator : Questions & Answers

Question: What would be the relationship designator for organizer of a conference. Answer:   organizer  : A person, family, or corporate body organizing the exhibit, event, conference, etc., which gave rise to a work. Please note that is a new addition in Appendix A I.2.2 - Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work [Source: RDA Toolkit] RDA RELATIONSHIP DESIGNATORS

Books on RDA Cataloging from Facet Publishing

Books on RDA Cataloging from Facet Publishing


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)