
Showing posts from December, 2012

RDA Template for Name of Corporate Body

RDA Template for Name of Corporate Body to be created in any Integrated Library Systems software 010 ‡ a   040 ‡ a XYZ  ‡ b eng  ‡ e rda   ‡ c ZYZ  046 ‡s [earliest date] ‡t [latest date] 110 * ‡ a [preferred name of   corporate body] 368 ‡a [type of corporate body] ‡c [other designation] 370 ‡c [associated country] ‡e [headquarters] ‡f [other associated place] 371 ‡a [address] ‡b [city] ‡c [intermediate jurisdiction] ‡d [country] ‡e [postal code] ‡m [e-mail] ‡s [start period] ‡t [end period] 377 ‡a [language code] 670 ‡ a   * 1 or 2 010 and 040 may be changed based on the control number and cataloging agency <<<<<---------->>>>> RDA Blog  :  RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new  library cataloging  standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based ...

Additions to the Preferred Name--Personal Names

Making a unique Name Authority Record (NAR) for a Personal Name according to RDA rules Additions to the name as instructed under– • (9.4 and 9.6): Title or other designation associated with the person –Required for certain names • (9.3.2/9.3.3): Date of birth and/or death –Give if available • (9.5): Fuller form of name –Add to differentiate (LC!) Please remember that there has been a post-RDA Test policy change. LC will no longer routinely add fuller forms to authorized access point. LC will add only in cases of conflict. Those existing AACR2 headings with fuller forms will be “RDA acceptable” when the machine recodings of the LC/NACO Authority File take place. • (9.3.4): Period of activity of person –Add to differentiate • (9.16): Profession or occupation –Required for certain names; Can add to differentiate <<<<-------->>>> LC-PCC PS for GENERAL GUIDELINES ON ...

RDA Authorities Cataloging Training: Authorities II

RDA: Authorities II Family Names Corporate Names: Introduction and Attributes Corporate Names: Authorized Access Points Corporate Names: AACR2 and RDA Geographic Names Work/Expression NARs <<<<<---------->>>>> Names of Families Module 5 (10:13) Slides (PPT : 302 KB) Demonstration 5 A look at name authority records for family names. Demo (7:30) <<<<<---------->>>>> Identifying Corporate Bodies: Overview / Recording the Attributes [ Corporate Names: Introduction and Attributes] Module 6.a (27:23) Slides (PPT : 503 KB) Demonstration 6.a A look at several examples of RDA authority records for names of corporate bodies, concentrating on the attributes or identifying characteristics of the corporate body and how they are recorded in the authority record. Part 1 (22:33) Part 2 (15:12) Handout (Word : 121 KB) Quiz 6.a Test your knowledge and understanding of RD...

RDA Template for Place Name

RDA Template for Place Name to be created in any Integrated Library Systems software 010 ‡ a 040 ‡ a XYZ  ‡ b eng  ‡ e rda   ‡ c ZYZ  043 ‡ a [gac] 046 ‡ s [start period] ‡ t [end period] 151 * ‡ a [place name] 368 ‡ b [type of jurisdiction] ‡ c [other designation] 370 ‡ c [associated country] ‡ f [other place] 670 ‡ a  781 0 ‡ z 010 and 040 may be changed based on the control number and cataloging agency Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

RDA Template for Conference, Meeting, Symposium Name

010 ‡ a 040 ‡ a DLC ‡ b eng ‡ c DLC ‡ e rda 046 ‡ s [earliest date] ‡ t [latest date] 111 * ‡ a 368 ‡ a [type of corporate body] 370 ‡ c [associated country] ‡ e [headquarters] ‡ f [other associated place] 377 ‡ a [language code] ‡ l language term 670 ‡ a 010 and 040 may be changed based on the control number and cataloging agency Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

RDA Descriptive Cataloging Training: Module 4 -- Relationships

Recorded Webinar (Nov. 16, 2012) [00:59:15] [MP4 : 47.4 MB] Slides (Aug. 2012) [PPT : 474 KB] Manual (Aug. 2012) [Word : 26 p. : 281 KB] Test Yourself!: Relationships (Source: Library of Congress (LC) RDA Training Materials)

RDA Refresher Training at LC: Special Topics

Art catalogs flowchart [DOC, 32 KB] Art catalogs [PPT, 756 KB] Compilations (updated July 2012) [PPT, 2.4 MB] Conferences (updated October 2012) [PPT, 1.5 MB] RDA Elements in NARs (updated September 2012) [PPT, 1.96 MB] Relationship Designators in RDA NARs (updated September 2012) [PPT, 774 KB] Revised editions [PPT, 507 KB] (Source: LC RDA pages ) Art catalogs examples (reviewed): LCCN: 2012354343


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)