RDA Template for Name of Corporate Body
RDA Template for Name of Corporate Body to be created in any Integrated Library Systems software 010 ‡ a 040 ‡ a XYZ ‡ b eng ‡ e rda ‡ c ZYZ 046 ‡s [earliest date] ‡t [latest date] 110 * ‡ a [preferred name of corporate body] 368 ‡a [type of corporate body] ‡c [other designation] 370 ‡c [associated country] ‡e [headquarters] ‡f [other associated place] 371 ‡a [address] ‡b [city] ‡c [intermediate jurisdiction] ‡d [country] ‡e [postal code] ‡m [e-mail] ‡s [start period] ‡t [end period] 377 ‡a [language code] 670 ‡ a * 1 or 2 010 and 040 may be changed based on the control number and cataloging agency <<<<<---------->>>>> RDA Blog : RDA Blog is a blog on Resource Description and Access ( RDA ), a new library cataloging standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based ...