EDTF Date - 046 - RDA Cataloging Examples

Resource Description and Access RDA

RDA Cataloging Examples of use of Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) in MARC 21 field 046 for Special Coded Dates in Resource Description and Access (RDA) Name Authority Records 

DCM Z1 046 update in Cataloger's Desktop 2015 Issue 3 release

Cataloger's Desktop 2015 Issue 3 was released on August 11, 2015. This release includes an important update to DCM Z1 instruction sheet 046, Special Coded Dates. 

LC/NACO catalogers: please note that the formatting of dates in the 046 field has changed.

When supplying dates in field 046, use the Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) schema in all cases except for centuries; supply dates using the pattern yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy-mm-dd; always add subfield $2 edtf except after a century. The more consistent use of $2 edtf is based on a PCCLIST discussion suggestion to simplify the use of $2 (always use except for centuries).


046 ## $f 1884-10-11$g 1962-11-07 $2 edtf

046 ## $s -0199~ $2 edtf

046 ## $f 1946-06 $2 edtf

046 ## $f 1960 $2 edtf


046 ## $s 20 

046 fields in existing name authority records will be reformatted to conform to the new DCM Z1 guidelines during the Phase 3B changes to the LC/NACO Authority File.

The examples in LC-PCC PS (Recording Dates Associated with Persons) will be updated in the October 2015 RDA Toolkit update.

Source: Paul Frank, Acting Coordinator, NACO and SACO Programs, Cooperative Programs Section, Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division, Library of Congress.

Question by Robert Bratton, Cataloging Librarian, The George Washington University, Washington D.C.

Should we format all encoded dates in authority records the same way?


373  George Washington University. $2 naf Ç‚s 2006-07-01

Answer by Paul Frank

This formatting only applies to the 046 field of authority records, since subfield $2 in the 046 field can accommodate the EDTF source code. In other fields of authority records, subfield $2 applies to the term(s) in subfield $a (and subfield $b, $c, etc. in the case of the 370 field), but not to the date(s) in subfields $s or $t.

Source: Based on information from PCCLIST, Library of Congress, RDA Toolkit.

EDTF Date in MARC 21 Field 046 - RDA Cataloging Examples

046 $f 1947? $2 edtf

046 $f 19uu-02-15 $2 edtf

046 1902? = 046 _ _ $s 1902? $2 edtf 

046 Approximately 1902 = 046 _ _ $s 1902~ $2 edtf

046 Either 1901 and 1902 = 046 _ _ $s [1901,1902] $2 edtf

  • 2001-02-03
    year, month, day
  • 2008-12
    year, month
  • 2008
  • -0999
    a negative year
  • 0000
    year zero
Date and Time
  • 2001-02-03T09:30:01
  • 2004-01-01T10:10:10Z
  • 2004-01-01T10:10:10+05:00
Interval (start/end)
  • 1964/2008
    An interval beginning sometime in 1964 and ending sometime in 2008. Year precision.
  • 2004-06/2006-08
    An interval beginning sometime in June 2004 and ending sometime in August of 2006. Month precision.
  • 2004-02-01/2005-02-08
    An interval beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime on February 8, 2005. Day precision.
  • 2004-02-01/2005-02
    An interval beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime in February 2005. The precision of the interval is not defined; the start endpoint has day precision and the end endpoint has month precision.
  • 2004-02-01/2005
    An interval beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime in 2005. The start endpoint has day precision and the end endpoint has year precision.
  • 2005/2006-02
    An interval beginning sometime in 2005 and ending sometime in February 2006.
  • 1984?
    uncertain: possibly the year 1984, but not definitely
  • 2004-06?
  • 2004-06-11?
  • 1984~
    "approximately" the year 1984
  • 1984?~
    the year is approximately 1984 and even that is uncertain
  • 199u
    some unspecified year in the 1990s.
  • 19uu
    some unspecified year in the 1900s.
  • 1999-uu
    some month in 1999
  • 1999-01-uu
    some day in January 1999
  • 1999-uu-uu
    some day in 1999
Partial Uncertain/ Approximate
  • 2004?-06-11
    uncertain year; month, day known
  • 2004-06~-11
    year and month are approximate; day known
  • 2004-(06)?-11
    uncertain month, year and day known
  • 2004-06-(11)~
    day is approximate; year, month known
  • 2004-(06)?~
    Year known, month within year is approximate and uncertain
  • 2004-(06-11)?
    Year known, month and day uncertain
  • 2004?-06-(11)~
    Year uncertain, month known, day approximate
  • (2004-(06)~)?
    Year uncertain and month is both uncertain and approximate
  • 2004?-(06)?~
    This has the same meaning as the previous example.
  • (2004)?-06-04~
    Year uncertain, month and day approximate.
  • (2011)-06-04~
    Year known, month and day approximate. Note that this has the same meaning as the following.
  • 2011-(06-04)~
    Year known, month and day approximate.
  • 2011-23~
    Approximate season (around Autumn 2011)
Partial Unspecified
  • 156u-12-25
    December 25 sometime during the 1560s
  • 15uu-12-25
    December 25 sometime during the 1500s
  • 15uu-12-uu
  • 1560-uu-25
    Year and day of month specified, month unspecified
One of a Set
  • [1667,1668, 1670..1672]
    One of the years 1667, 1668, 1670, 1671, 1672
  • [..1760-12-03]
    December 3, 1760 or some earlier date
  • [1760-12..]
    December 1760 or some later month
  • [1760-01, 1760-02, 1760-12..]
    January or February of 1760 or December 1760 or some later month
  • [1667, 1760-12]
    Either the year 1667 or the month December of 1760.
Multiple Dates
  • {1667,1668, 1670..1672}
    All of the years 1667, 1668, 1670, 1671, 1672
  • {1960, 1961-12}
    The year 1960 and the month December of 1961.

Examples from Library of Congress Authorities

046 $f [1931,1932] $2 edtf
[100 1# $a Kohalī, Droṇavīra, $d 1931 or 1932-]

046 $f 1428~ $2 edtf
[100 0# $a Bāvā Jitto, $d approximately 1428-]

046 $f 1253~ $g 1325 $2 edtf
[100 0# $a AmiÌ„r Khusraw DihlaviÌ„, ‡d approximately 1253-1325]

Comments by RDA Blog users / Experts / Catalogers:
  • Aaron Kuperman, Law Cataloger, United States: RDA should be understood as being continually updated, as opposed to AACR and earlier codes which came out with new editions once a generation (if that often).

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Author: Salman Haider [Revised 2015-09-05 | Written 2015-09-05]

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