Title in More Than One Language or Script in RDA

Question: Which title to choose as the Title Proper if the title statement of a polyglot monograph appears in multiple languages, according to Resource Description & Access ( RDA ) Cataloging Rules? [Question asked on the Google+ Community RDA Cataloging , a companion Google+ Community for RDA Blog .] Answer: According to RDA Rule if the content of the resource is written, spoken, or sung and the source of information for the title proper has a title in more than one language or script then choose as the title proper the title in the language or script of the main content of the resource . This rule further prescribes that, If the content of the resource is not written, spoken, or sung, or if there is no main content in a single language then the cataloger should choose the title proper on the basis of the sequence, layout, or typography of the titles on the source of information. All the li...