Name/Title NAR (Name Authority Record) in RDA : Questions & Answers : RDA Examples

QUESTION: I have to create a N/T NAR for selections of stories of an author, but the NAR for the author is established in AACR2. How to create N/T NAR in this case, can we establish N/T NAR straightaway in RDA? ANSWER: In order to create a Name/Title Name Authority Record (NAR) for a MARC21 240 tag in Resource Description & Access (RDA), the base Name Authority Record (NAR) for the person has to be also in RDA first. If the base NAR for the person is in AACR2, then it should be converted to RDA. For example, please see lccn: 2012350684 Bibliographic Record 100 0_ | a Jayabhikkhu, | d 1908-1969, | e author. 240 10 | a Children's stories. | k Selections 245 10 | a Jayabhikkhunī śreshṭha bāḷavārtāo = | b Jaybhikhkhuni shreshtha balvartao / | c śreṇī-sampādako, Yaśavanta Mahetā, Śraddhā Trivedī. 246 31 | a ...