
Showing posts from 2014

Resource Description & Access (RDA) & RDA Blog History Timeline

Resource Description & Access (RDA) & RDA Blog History Timeline Important Dates in the History and Development of Resource Description & Access (RDA).  Click on the + sign to expand the timeline as shown by the arrow.  RDA History Timeline  can also be viewed in a Flipbook or List format as shown by the arrows.  Click on each item to view detailed description and sources of information, photos, videos. Contribute in the further development of this RDA History Timeline by suggesting important dates in the history of RDA and RDA implementation in libraries around the world. For example you can suggest a date when your library implemented RDA Cataloging, or any date which is important to be noted in the  Resource Description & Access (RDA) History . Suggestions should by accompanied with proper reference sources, from which the information could be verified/cited. If you like it, then show it with your Likes, +1,...

Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 Cataloging & MARC21

Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 Cataloging & MARC21 Questions and Answers on treatment Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 and MARC21 in  Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging Join the Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging  to view, ask, and share information and issues related to Resource Description & Access (RDA) and AACR2 Cataloging See also following Resource Description & Access (RDA) Blog posts: Parallel title in RDA Cataloging MARC21 246 tag in RDA Cataloging  MARC21 245 tag in RDA Cataloging  <<<<<---------->>>>> Comment on  Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging Aaron Kuperman Yesterday 10:55 PM + 1 0 1     At LC, and this is very important for records of works in non-Roman scripts, if there is a parallel title (typically in English or another Latin script langauge) anywhere in the item being cataloged, it ends up both as a parallel title (245, follow...

Questions and Answers on treatment Series in RDA and MARC21

Questions and Answers on treatment Series in RDA and MARC21  Join the Google+ Community RDA Cataloging  to view, ask, and share information and issues related to Resource Description & Access (RDA) and AACR2 Cataloging

Correct Coding of ISBN in MARC21 field 020 in RDA & AACR2 Cataloging with Examples

Several years ago the definition of $z of the 020 (International Standard Book Identifier) was expanded—it is now used for “structurally invalid” ISBNs (those that are too short, too long, wrong check digit, etc.) and also for “application invalid” ISBNs (ISBNs for a manifestation that would be described in a different bibliographic record). The LC-PCC Policy Statement for provides the following instruction:   Record ISBNs in $z (Canceled/invalid) of MARC field 020 if they clearly represent a different manifestation from the resource being cataloged and would require a separate record (e.g., an ISBN for the large print version, e-book, or teacher’s manual on the record for a regular trade publication). If separate records would not be made (e.g., most cases where ISBNs are given for both the hardback and paperback simultaneously), or in cases of doubt, record the ISBNs in $a (International Standard Book Number) of MARC field 020 Please remember to u...

RDA Tookit Release (October 14, 2014) : Changes in and Revision of Resource Description & Access and LC-PCC PS

A new release of the RDA Toolkit was published on Tuesday, October 14 .  This  message will cover several points you should be aware of related to the release.  TOPIC 1: Changes in RDA Content TOPIC 2: Change in Content in LC-PCC PSs TOPIC 3: Additional Content in the RDA Toolkit TOPIC 1: Changes in RDA Content This update only contains  “Fast Track” changes that are relatively minor (these are not flagged in the RDA text with revision history icons).  The linked file 6JSC-Sec-13.pdf contains a complete listing of the Fast Track changes. You’ll note that many of the changes are to examples, including moving some examples to more appropriate instructions, replacing some examples, and adding initial articles to some preferred and variant titles, etc.—note that the addition of the initial articles are intended to exhibit the base instruction at RDA, and that LC/PCC   practice is to  OMIT  initial articles   (per,...

RDA Blog Reaches 200000 Pageviews

Hi all, I am pleased to announce that RDA Blog  on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ) has crossed 200000 pageviews mark. About RDA Blog About RDA RDA Blog Testimonials RDA Blog in Wikipedia An article on RDA Blog, published in Technical Services Quarterly, journal on library technical services published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Online) . Thanks all for your love, support and suggestions. Please post your feedback and comments on RDA Blog Guest Book . Select remarks will be posted on RDA Blog Testimonials page. INTRODUCTION TO  RDA BLOG : RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new  library cataloging  standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based on the  Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  ( FRBR ), intended for use by libraries and other cultural organizations repl...

RDA QUIZ : question on International Cataloging Principles (ICP) by IFLA

RDA QUIZ in the  Google+ Community RDA Cataloging Question:   Which is/are the International Cataloging Principles (ICP) by IFLA which is/are intended to guide the development of cataloguing codes? Post your vote by this Friday. You can also add your input in the comments box... Correct answer will be declared on the weekend... and a post will be created with further explanations and interesting comments by the users on  RDA Blog See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |  Twitter  |  YouTube   |  SlideShare  |  Tumblr   |  WordPress  |  Flipboard  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  test...

Transcription in Resource Description & Access (RDA) Cataloging

“Take What You See and Accept What You Get” This is the overriding principle of RDA concerning the transcription of data. It is consistent with the ICP “Principle of Representation” to represent the resource the way it represents itself. This is a fairly significant change from AACR2, which includes extensive rules for abbreviations, capitalization, punctuation, numerals, symbols, etc., and in some cases directs the cataloger to ‘correct’ data which is known to be wrong (e.g., typos). With RDA we generally do not alter what is on the resource when transcribing information for certain elements. This is not only to follow the principle of representation, but also for a more practical reason: to encourage re-use of found data you can copy and paste or scan or download into your description of the resource. Let’s see what this principle means for you as an LC cataloger, regarding capitalization, punctuation, and spacing.  It is critical that you understand LCPS 1.7.1 ; the...

What is FRBR?

What is FRBR? -- RDA Quiz on Google+ Community RDA Cataloging. Join RDA Cataloging online community / group / forum and share ideas on RDA and discuss issues related to Resource Description and Access Cataloging. Following are the comments received on this RDA Blog post <<<<<---------->>>>> Roger Hawcroft , Library Consultant Salman, FRBR is an acronym for Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. It stems from recommendations made by IFLA in 1988. The FRBR represents the departure of bibliographic description from the long-standing linear model as used in AACR... to a muti-tiered concept contemporaneous with current technology and the increasing development of digital formats and storage. These principles underpin RDA - Resource Description & Access.. You may find the following outline useful: I have also placed a list of readings ( not intended to be comprehensive or entirely up-to-dtate) in DropBox...


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)