
Showing posts from February, 2013

Recording the Preferred Title for a Compilation of Works of One Person, Family, or Corporate Body

See RDA Rule 6 .2.2.10 for Recording the Preferred Title for a Compilation of Works of One Person, Family, or Corporate Body RDA Rule 6 . is for Complete Works RDA Rule 6 . is for Complete Works in a Single Form RDA Rule 6 . is for Other Compilations of Two or More Works Exceptions For compilations of musical works by a single composer, apply instead the instructions at (RDA). For compilations of laws, etc., apply instead the instructions at (RDA). For compilations of treaties, etc., apply instead the instructions at (RDA).

RDA Bibliographic Template for Monographs in Voyager ILS

English Non-roman Note: Tags 040/906/925/955 are cataloging agency specific and can be omitted/changed as appropriate <<<<<---------->>>>> See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |  Twitter  |  YouTube   |  SlideShare  |  Tumblr   |  WordPress  |  Flipboard  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Ongoing Conferences

NUMBER, DATE, AND LOCATION OF A CONFERENCE, ETC. Authority Records for Ongoing Conferences LC practice/PCC practice: For ongoing conferences, separate authority records may be created for the collective conference (typically made when cataloging a serial), an individual instance of an ongoing conference (typically made when cataloging a monograph), or both. These records may coexist in the LC/NACO authority file. A record for the collective conference should always be made to connect the earlier and later names of the collective conference. Individual Instance of an Ongoing Conference LC practice/PCC practice: When creating an authority record for an individual instance of an ongoing conference, the additions for number, date, and location of a conference, etc. are given in the authorized access point. Variant access points may be given for variant names of the individual conference, such as acronyms for a spelled-out form. Generally do not connect an individual in...

RDA - in Cataloger's Desktop

Get the Most From RDA - in Cataloger's Desktop See the presentation NOW: (Source: CDS, LOC)

Ask Questions to Library of Congress about RDA

Write to the account if: you have questions about existing headings you need assistance in creating a new RDA authority record because your library is not using RDA for cataloging. <<<<------->>>> PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines  These guidelines apply to PCC catalogers continuing to create RDA bibliographic and authority records after the RDA test period and to PCC catalogers needing to use an authorized access point established in an RDA authority record...

Government Bodies Recorded Subordinately

RECORDING NAMES OF GOVERNMENT BODIES AND OFFICIALS--Government Bodies Recorded Subordinately--Type 3 See RDA Rule 11 .2.2.19 for Government Bodies Recorded Subordinately See RDA Rule 11 .2.2.20 for Direct or Indirect Subdivision [Source: RDA Toolkit] [Check NAR--n 2012215382--National Data Centre--Office of the Additional Director General of Meteorology (Research), Pune]


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