
Showing posts from 2011

LC Cataloging Staff Involved in US RDA Test to Resume RDA Cataloging in November 2011

To help LC in carrying out its responsibilities for (1) the ongoing development of  RDA , and (2) the creation and/or revision of training materials supporting documentation for LC, PCC, and the U.S. library community, most of the LC cataloging staff who participated in the U.S. RDA Test will return to using  RDA  for cataloging starting in November 2011. Documents identifying changes in LC policies from those followed during the U.S. RDA Test and refresher training materials prepared for LC’s  RDA  cataloging staff will be posted on LC’s web site for preparation for  RDA  ( ). [21 October 2011] Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Rewording of RDA: Resource Description and Access

At its  August 24 meeting , the Committee of Principals requested that ALA Publishing on behalf of the Co-Publishers of RDA: Resource Description and Access work with the JSC and the U.S Test Committee to formulate a plan for the rewording of RDA and to define the role of the copy editor. Today the Co-Publishers are releasing  "The Plan for the Rewording of RDA and the Role of the Copy Editor" . The statement details the editorial steps necessary to reword  RDA  and sets a goal of submitting five chapters for review by the JSC and then the U.S Test Committee no later than June 2012. The search to identify a copy editor with the knowledge and skills to take on this assignment is underway. More details about the copy editor and the rewording plan will be shared as soon as they become available.  (Source: RDA Toolkit ) See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Referenc...

RDA in Europe (documents and presentations)

RDA in France RDA in Europe: Report of the work in progress in France; proposal for a EURIG technical meeting in Paris RDA in Europe: making it happen! EURIG-JSC seminar on RDA (8 Aug 2010, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark) General All documents are in PDF. Final notification Programme List of participants Presentations Presentations are in PDF and/or PPS. RDA in BNE / Mar Hernández Agustí  [PDF]   [PPS] RDA future development: governance, participation and future change / Caroline Brazier  [PDF]   [PPS] A long and winding road: RDA from principles to practice / Alan Danskin  [PDF]   [PPS] German translation issues / Christine Frodl  [PDF]   [PPS] Germany on track for international standards: RDA / Renate Gömpel  [PPS] RDA in Finland / Tuula Haapamäki  [PDF]   [PPS] French libraries moving to RDA? Key issues / Françoise Leresche & Françoise Bourdon  [PPS] RDA in Europe: making it happen : sum...

RDA at Library of Congress

The Policy and Standards Division, part of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate at the Library of Congress, is launching a new website as the Library prepares for  RDA .  The site is located at: .  There are links to training documents, presentations, exercises, and examples of records as well as to other  RDA  related sites.  Many more links will be added as items are created, edited, and updated as preparations for  RDA  proceed.  The page originally created for LC documentation related to the US RDA Test will no longer be maintained.  Links from that site will be migrated to the new site over time as appropriate. See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |...

MARC21 as Data: A Start

The forty-five-year-old MARC format, currently at version MARC21, is an obvious barrier to the provision of library services in a web-based environment. There is a growing consensus that the time has come for libraries to move to a new format. We cannot, however, decide on a new data format until we at least have an inventory of the data elements that are carried in our current one. Listing those data elements is not simple: over the years this record format has undergone constant change that has pushed the limits of the record structure and introduced inconsistencies in the way that data is coded. This article describes one person’s attempt to decode the content of MARC21.  Read full article See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow  RDA Blog  in Social Media:  Google+  |  Facebook  |  Google+ Community  |...

ALA 2011: Some RDA news

News from ALA Conference held in 2011 ALA Conference for  RDA  and  RDA toolkit . The U.S. RDA Test Committee met with vendors, testers, and the public, and summarized the results of the test and the reasoning behind their recent decision. The U.S. RDA Test Committee stated that the "rewrite" of  RDA  will actually be more of a rewording, intended to simplify and clarify some of the instructions. Cataloging practice will not be affected by the rewording. We also learned that the Library of Congress will begin partial  RDA Cataloging  in November. They will catalog across all subject areas and expect  RDA  records to represent about 5% of the library's cataloging output. The National Library of Medicine and the National Agricultural Library will not catalog in  RDA  until full implementation begins. Source:  ALA 2011: Some RDA news See also: RDA Blog  Home About RDA - Resource De...


RDA in MARC ( June 2011) MARC 21  Updates 9, 10, and 11 include all changes to MARC for use with RDA   approved  through 2010. The list below has been updated to include changes under consideration in June 2011. Those  not-yet-approved  changes are indicated below as "proposed" or "under discussion", and are linked to their relevant MARBI Proposals and Discussion Papers. View more of this from source: Library of Congress Website RDA Blog  :  RDA Blog  is a blog on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ), a new  library cataloging  standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating data for resource description and discovery, organized based on the  Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  ( FRBR ), intended for use by libraries and other cultural organizations replacing  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules  ( AACR2 ). This blog lists description and links to resource...

OCLC policy on RDA

OCLC Policy on Resource Description and Access (RDA) OCLC policy statement on RDA Cataloging in WorldCat for the U.S. testing period and beyond With the installation of capabilities as described in  Technical Bulletin 258 , OCLC has now implemented most of the MARC 21 format changes for initial support of RDA : Resource Description & Access . OCLC has also implemented links to the RDA toolkit for toolkit subscribers in the Connexion Browser and in Connexion Client 2.3. In the U.S., the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine coordinated a test that involved those institutions and a group of additional institutions selected from the broader U.S. library community. More information about the  testing process  can be found on the Library of Congress web site. The timeline for the testing included a 90-day period in which testing participants familiarized themselves with the content of  RDA  and th...


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)