Alternatives Options and Exceptions in RDA : What Every Cataloger Needs to Know

Contents: Alternatives Options and Exceptions in RDA : What Every Cataloger Needs to Know What are RDA Alternatives? Example of RDA Alternatives What are RDA Options? Example of RDA Optional Additions Example of RDA Optional Omissions What are RDA Exceptions? Example of RDA Exceptions How to decide whether to apply the alternatives, options, or exceptions? Note on the use of screen images from RDA Toolkit (Following RDA and RDA Toolkit Copyright Statement and guidelines) Alternatives Options and Exceptions in RDA : What Every Cataloger Needs to Know RDA contains a number of guidelines and instructions that are marked as alternatives, options (optional additions, optional omissions), and exceptions. Each of these is clearly identified by an italicized label, which in the RDA Toolkit appears in green color in the instruction (alternative, optional addition, optional omission, exception). A green vertical bar also appears in the left margin next of an alternati...