
Showing posts from October, 2015

RDA Blog

RDA Blog Revision: Following pages of  RDA Blog  has been revised: About RDA Blog RDA Blog Testimonials Please provide us your valuable feedback in the  RDA Blog Guest Book   to make   RDA Blog   a better place for information on  Resource Description and Access (RDA) .   Thanks all for your love, suggestions,  testimonials , likes, +1, tweets and shares .... See also related posts in following  RDA Blog  Categories (Labels):

Subject Heading List : Glossary of Library & Information Science

Subject Heading List : Glossary of Library & Information Science New Post on Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog provides a comprehensive definition of Subject Heading List .  This new encyclopedic entry in the “ Glossary of Library & Information Science ” of the Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog answers following questions? What is Subject Heading List? Where Subject Heading List is applied? What is vocabulary control and why is it important? How Subject Heading List assist library users and staff? What are the alternatives to Subject Heading? What are the popular Subject Heading Lists? Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog will be more focused on Information Access Through The Subject with special reference to the techniques of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) by use of Classification & Shelflisting Manual (CSM), Subjec...

Library Cataloging Research

RESEARCH ON LIBRARY DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING RDA Bibliography Hello Dear Library Professionals:  I have compiled a list of some Masters, M.Phil., and Ph.D. thesis and dissertation on descriptive cataloging which may be available in print and/or online, in the form of a blog post: RDA Bibliography – Thesis (from OCLC WorldCat).  URL: It seems not much research work is done on descriptive cataloging , though it is one of the most fundamental activities of librarianship, library and information science. The other possibility is that researches have been done but not documented at some "single place" for consultation. With the emergence of Resource Description & Access ( RDA ), as the successor of  Anglo-American Cataloging Rules ( AACR2 ), it becomes necessary to do quality research works on the descriptive cataloging using RDA and AACR2 and evaluating its significance...

Subject Approach to Information in Libraries

Information Access Through The Subject Subject Approach to Information in Libraries This new post of  Librarianship Studies & Information Technology  Blog answers following questions: What are the Subject Approach to Information in Libraries How library users seek information on a particular subject? How library materials are arranged on shelves and catalogs to be located by subject? What is a subject? What methods and tools catalogers use to show what a library or information center has on a particular subject? What methods and tools catalogers use to show what a library or information center has on related subjects? How classification schemes are used for subject approaches? How subject headings are used for subject approaches? Source  (Chapter 1):  Information Access Through The Subject  : An Annotated Bibliography / by  Salman...


RDA CATALOGING NEWS RDA Cataloging News is compilation of News, Events, Articles, Books, Presentations, Videos, Workshops, Training, Blog Posts, Reviews Etc. on Resource Description and Access ( RDA ), Anglo-American Cataloging Rules ( AACR2 ), MARC21 , Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ( FRBR ), Functional Requirements for Authority Data ( FRAD ), Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data ( FRSAD ), Subject Cataloging , Descriptive Cataloging , BIBFRAME ( Bibliographic Framework ), Linked Data , Etc. RDA Cataloging News  is an initiative by RDA Blog . It combines the entries of  RDA Bibliography  and also items on Subject Cataloging. Please suggest entries to be included in  RDA Cataloging News  (preferably through RDA Cataloging - Google+ Community on  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ) or by any other means of your wish). Do you think this tedious and time consuming initiative of compiling a n...

Introduction to Bibliography : Information Access ThroughThe Subject

Introduction to Bibliography : Information Access Through The Subject Information Access Through The Subject   : An Annotated Bibliography / by   Salman Haider . - Online :   OpenThesis , 2015. (408 pages ; 23 cm.) Annotated bibliography titled Information Access Through The Subject covering Subject Indexing, Subject Cataloging, Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Subject Approaches in Bibliographic and Non Bibliographic Databases etc.   The project "annotated bibliography" was worked out as   Master of Library & Information Science   ( MLIS ) thesis.


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)