
Showing posts from September, 2015

RDA - Production Publication Distribution Manufacture Date - MARC 264

MARC field 264 (formerly known as the publication, distribution, field in AACR2 ) is the home for many different RDA elements.   MARC field 264  will replace field 260 so that each of the different types can be coded explicitly. We will talk about the following areas: Production statement (2.7) Publication statement (2.8) Distribution statement (2.9) Manufacture statement (2.10) Copyright date (2.11) [Source: Library of Congress] Please note that relevant rules are available in  RDA RULES-CHAPTER 2 Some popular  RDA Blog posts on  PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION ETC. ,  MARC-260 ,  MARC-264 , and  DATE  using guidelines from  RDA RULES-CHAPTER 2  are following: Date of Publication in RDA & MARC 21 Examples Name of Publisher in RDA & AACR2 & MARC 21 Examples Place of Publication in RDA & AACR2 & MARC 21 Examples RDA Rules Toolkit & LC-PCC PS Revision  (Contains description ...

Salman Haider Author - Facebook Page

I have created a Facebook Page  Salman Haider Author URL: I am using this to share and communicate and discuss my writings on Librarianship Studies and Information Technology, Library and Information Science, Resource Description and Access - RDA, Library Cataloging, Library Classification, Subject Headings, Information Access Through The Subject, Library Management, etc. I write eight  Blogs on Library and Information Science . Some of these blogs have their own Facebook Pages. If you wish to be notified of all my writings in Library and Information Science, then you should "Like" this Facebook Page, as this page is created to broadcast information about all the works of Salman Haider  through one page. I will also post here items which are not covered by RDA Blog , Librarianship Studies and Information Technology Blog, and Information Access Through The Subject Blog . So what are you waiting f...

EDTF Date - 046 - RDA Cataloging Examples

RDA Cataloging Examples  of use of Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) in  MARC 21 field 046 for Special Coded Dates  in  Resource Description and Access  ( RDA ) Name Authority Records   DCM Z1 046 update in Cataloger's Desktop 2015 Issue 3 release Cataloger's Desktop 2015 Issue 3 was released on August 11, 2015. This release includes an important update to DCM Z1 instruction sheet  046 , Special Coded Dates.  LC/NACO catalogers: please note that the formatting of dates in the 046 field has changed. When supplying dates in field 046 , use the Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) schema in all cases except for centuries; supply dates using the pattern yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyy-mm-dd; always add subfield $2 edtf except after a century . The more consistent use of $2 edtf is based on a PCCLIST discussion suggestion to simplify the use of $2 (always use except for centuries). Examples: 046 ## $f 1884-10-11$g 1962-11-07...

Subject Heading : Glossary of Library & Information Science

Subject Heading : Glossary of Library & Information Science New Post on Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog provides a comprehensive definition of Subject Heading . This new encyclopedic entry in the “ Glossary of Library & Information Science ” of the “ Librarianship Studies & Information Technology ” blog answers following questions? What is Subject Heading? What Subject Heading does? Where Subject Heading is applied? What is vocabulary control and why is it important? How Subject Heading assist library users and staff? What are the alternatives to Subject Heading? What are the popular Subject Heading Lists? Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog will be more focused on the techniques of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) by use of Classification & Shelflisting ...


RDA Blog is discontinued. Visit below link for updated information on RDA:

Resource Description and Access (RDA)