
Showing posts from December, 2014

Resource Description & Access (RDA) & RDA Blog History Timeline

Resource Description & Access (RDA) & RDA Blog History Timeline Important Dates in the History and Development of Resource Description & Access (RDA).  Click on the + sign to expand the timeline as shown by the arrow.  RDA History Timeline  can also be viewed in a Flipbook or List format as shown by the arrows.  Click on each item to view detailed description and sources of information, photos, videos. Contribute in the further development of this RDA History Timeline by suggesting important dates in the history of RDA and RDA implementation in libraries around the world. For example you can suggest a date when your library implemented RDA Cataloging, or any date which is important to be noted in the  Resource Description & Access (RDA) History . Suggestions should by accompanied with proper reference sources, from which the information could be verified/cited. If you like it, then show it with your Likes, +1,...

Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 Cataloging & MARC21

Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 Cataloging & MARC21 Questions and Answers on treatment Parallel Titles in RDA, AACR2 and MARC21 in  Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging Join the Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging  to view, ask, and share information and issues related to Resource Description & Access (RDA) and AACR2 Cataloging See also following Resource Description & Access (RDA) Blog posts: Parallel title in RDA Cataloging MARC21 246 tag in RDA Cataloging  MARC21 245 tag in RDA Cataloging  <<<<<---------->>>>> Comment on  Google+ Community  RDA Cataloging Aaron Kuperman Yesterday 10:55 PM + 1 0 1     At LC, and this is very important for records of works in non-Roman scripts, if there is a parallel title (typically in English or another Latin script langauge) anywhere in the item being cataloged, it ends up both as a parallel title (245, follow...

Questions and Answers on treatment Series in RDA and MARC21

Questions and Answers on treatment Series in RDA and MARC21  Join the Google+ Community RDA Cataloging  to view, ask, and share information and issues related to Resource Description & Access (RDA) and AACR2 Cataloging

Correct Coding of ISBN in MARC21 field 020 in RDA & AACR2 Cataloging with Examples

Several years ago the definition of $z of the 020 (International Standard Book Identifier) was expanded—it is now used for “structurally invalid” ISBNs (those that are too short, too long, wrong check digit, etc.) and also for “application invalid” ISBNs (ISBNs for a manifestation that would be described in a different bibliographic record). The LC-PCC Policy Statement for provides the following instruction:   Record ISBNs in $z (Canceled/invalid) of MARC field 020 if they clearly represent a different manifestation from the resource being cataloged and would require a separate record (e.g., an ISBN for the large print version, e-book, or teacher’s manual on the record for a regular trade publication). If separate records would not be made (e.g., most cases where ISBNs are given for both the hardback and paperback simultaneously), or in cases of doubt, record the ISBNs in $a (International Standard Book Number) of MARC field 020 Please remember to u...


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