RDA at Library of Congress
The Policy and Standards Division, part of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate at the Library of Congress, is launching a new website as the Library prepares for RDA . The site is located at: http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/ . There are links to training documents, presentations, exercises, and examples of records as well as to other RDA related sites. Many more links will be added as items are created, edited, and updated as preparations for RDA proceed. The page originally created for LC documentation related to the US RDA Test will no longer be maintained. Links from that site will be migrated to the new site over time as appropriate. See also: RDA Blog Home About RDA - Resource Description and Access About RDA Blog RDA Resources Cataloger's Reference Directory RDA Blog Testimonials Follow RDA Blog in Social Media: Google+ | Facebook |...